Post 27: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Red House to Your House!

On the night before Christmas
Under the frosty moon light
Nils and Becky envisioned
A merry work site

They dreamed of strong rafters
Spanning over their heads
Strengthened by collar ties
All snug in their bed

From olde chimney piers
Ancient bricks they did glean
Assembled again in a new basement
quite clean

The rumbles and beeping
of machines big and small
Evoked visions of a new home
For them and for all!

16 responses to “Post 27: Merry Christmas!”

  1. Becky and Nils, your poetry outdid my feeble attempt. We are so blessed in Sweden to have you two joining into our activities, enlivening us, and bringing your youthful joy.

  2. By next year, Santa will be able to come down your chimney!

    Merry Christmas to you both.
    Alan and Alison

  3. Merry Christmas; Happy New Year!! Doing fine in Taos tho Paul broke his hip skiing last week. Never a dull moment. Our kids are in Taos and doing a lot of hanging out. Enjoy the Winter. Hope you all are thriving!! Diane

  4. You are so very clever!
    Merry Christmas, little Red House!
    Merry Christmas, dear friends!

  5. When what to my wondering eyes should appear
    But a house on wheels out in the clear
    With a little old driver so lively and quick
    That I knew it was Nils up to his tricks

  6. Great poem and wonderful visions. I hope you are having a very Merry Christmas.

    Ruth and Arne

  7. Happy Christmas!

    Love the poem! We hope to see the remodelled red house and you both soonest!

  8. Congratulations on your beautiful home. Home is where the heart is the hearth. I am just Thrilled for you both. Blessings