Water, Water Everywhere
To say that it has been a rainy summer is an understatement. Not only did the rain put a damper on vacationers’ outdoor fun, it slowed progress on construction sites, including ours. The project started late and proceeded in fits and starts.
In July, the crew from Crowell Construction removed ductwork from the basement, exposing some 218-year-old beams that were so wet they were dripping, and discolored by mold and mildew. A structural engineer advised replacing the beams, but that was not possible right away, as the house is to be lifted and moved to a new foundation to be dug in a new location. So in order to prevent further disintegration, the builder hooked up a dehumidifier to a generator that ran 24/7 for a month, until dryer weather arrived in mid- August.
Evidence of a wet basement revealed by mold and mildew on supporting beams.